Jurnal Mangifera Edu 2025-03-02T07:21:45+00:00 Lesy Luzyawati [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Mangifera Edu</strong> (<a href="">p-ISSN 2527-9939</a> and <a href="">e-ISSN 2622-3384</a>) welcomes articles researching or documenting issues in <strong>Biology and Biology Education</strong> that have never been submitted for consideration nor published elsewhere. This journal is published twice a year in January and July. It is published by <strong>Universitas</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Wiralodra</strong>. This journal is indexed in google scholar, Garudaristekdikti, DOAJ, and DOI (with prefix: and accredited by National Journal Accreditation with <strong>SINTA 3</strong>.</p> Biosynthesis of DNA for disease detection. 2025-02-04T02:34:02+00:00 Nur Aifiah Binti Ibrahim [email protected] <p><em>An aquatic plant breathes through pores in the atmosphere, creating a bacterial loop cycle. Harmful toxins and pathogens invade the foreign substrate and recessive genes. The purpose of this study is gene editing and gene expression containing information to produce proteins and fight back pathogens. The Methodology of this study is the biosphere of RNA involved in the transcription and translation of DNA to detect several diseases. It is a narrative review of DNA biosynthesis in identifying the mutations for genes, chromosomes, or proteins. Genetic alterations in cancer development have urged many researchers to continue their expedition to find prevention strategies and treatments that are curable for the disease. Thus, gene therapies include gene augmentation, gene slicing, gene suicide, and gene editing by treating certain diseases. The momentum of replacing a damaged gene with a healthy gene using gene therapy in treating a wide range of diseases is quite impressive. An inborn child will have a healthy gene by inheriting it from the parent to the infant for further development. Circular RNAs are meant for protein synthesis. The nutrients are the building blocks of amino acids. The regrowth of new tissues is used to rejuvenate organ transplants. It is highly apprehensive for microbial cells to produce on their own. Not all bacteria are good, but the ones that fight off pathogens in the circular loops of plasmids. The DNA of bacterial cells is composed of chromosomal traits of inheritance in providing nutritious meals and becoming an antibody.</em></p> 2025-01-17T07:39:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu Development of ecopedagogy in green campus educational book based on environmental pollution cases related to biology learning 2025-02-04T02:45:00+00:00 Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan [email protected] Sopiah Sopiah [email protected] Akhmad Subkhi Ramdani [email protected] <p><em>Ecopedagogy education related to green campuses requires further innovation related to learning media. This study aims to develop a book on ecopedagogy education in a green campus based on environmental issues. The method of research and development in this study’s is based on the ADDIE approach with five stages. The first stage of this research is conduct an initial data analysis, which will be the basis for developing the Ecopedagogy. The second stage is design the educational media. The third stage is the development process and validation of media experts. The fourth stage is the implementation, and the last stage of developing this book media is to conduct an evaluation given by students; the form of an assessment of the book. This study’s results indicate that the ecopedagogy education media series on environmental issues on a green campus is categorized as very valid. Hence, it is suitable for use in learning activities. The results of this study indicate that the media series of ecopedagogy education can improve student learning outcomes based on the results of the pre-test and post-test. The development of learning media is essential to train students' skills in critical thinking. Suggestions for future research include implementing media on a broader scale.</em></p> 2025-01-20T09:09:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu Potential development of field activity design on ecology material as student learning material 2025-02-04T02:52:21+00:00 Dini Nurani Rahmawati [email protected] Mahda Rizqina Maftuha [email protected] St. Syahirah [email protected] Farhan Muharam Saleh [email protected] Novi Dewi Khadikatul Jannah [email protected] Kusnadi Kusnadi [email protected] Widi Purwianingsih [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to analyze the design of laboratory activities (DKL) for field trips activities in the Ranca Upas heterogeneous forest and to provide solutions through reconstruction. The significance of using the field trip method to enhance student learning outcomes and environmental awareness. The Ranca Upas heterogeneous forest was chosen as a field trip location because it has high micro-diversity and abundance. The DKL was designed to examine the interaction between biotic and abiotic factors as well as the inter-component interactions in the heterogeneous forest. This study employed a qualitative descriptive method utilizing the Analyze, Create, Try, and Reconstruct framework. A survey of the forest locations served as the basis for developing the DKL. The design of the DKL was informed by the survey results and analyzed using the Novak-Gowin Vee Diagram rubric. A trial was conducted to assess the suitability of the DKL in real field conditions. The results of this trial were then analyzed, leading to a reconstruction of the DKL based on challenges encountered during the trial. The reconstruction process included refining the tools used, preparing more structured activity steps, and developing more comprehensive practicum questions. This research has implications for the development of higher-quality and more effective field trip DKLs, ultimately aimed at improving students' science process skills and critical thinking abilities.</em></p> 2025-01-23T05:20:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu Teacher and student perception of integrated science literacy in information, technology, and environtment 2025-02-04T02:55:51+00:00 Idah Hamidah [email protected] Lesy Luzyawati [email protected] Anilia Ratnasari [email protected] <p><em>The development of technology and information in the 21st century is increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, Indonesia's science literacy levels remain categorized as low. Science literacy is among the most essential skills in the 21st century, so integrated technology, information, and environment are fundamental. This research aims to understand the perception of teachers and students towards science literacy integrated with technology, information, and environmental literacy in Junior High Schools (SMP). This research falls under the quantitative category and employs an observational descriptive design. The sample in this study consists of three junior high schools in the Indramayu Regency, representing the Indramayu region's western, central, and eastern regions. The questionnaire instrument determines students' science literacy ability towards information, technology, and the environment. Meanwhile, interviews were used to determine teachers' and students' perceptions of information-based science literacy, technology, and the environment. The research data were obtained using both questionnaires and interview instruments. The study results reveal that the integration of science literacy with information, technology, and the environment achieved percentages of 69.42% for information-integrated science literacy, 70.98% for technology-integrated science literacy, and 73.89% for environment-integrated science literacy, highlighting varying levels of proficiency across these domains. This indicates a moderate ability to integrate science literacy effectively.</em></p> 2025-01-30T12:02:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu The application of chunking technique combined with writing is thinking to improve the communication skills 2025-01-30T12:09:22+00:00 Sirniawan Sirniawan [email protected] Yusminah Hala [email protected] Asham Bin Jamaluddin [email protected] <p>The student's cognitive load is high, and the level of thinking and communication skills is low. So, the <em>chunking </em>technique combined with <em>writing thinking is implemented. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in communication skills of students of circulatory system material taught with chunking techniques combined with writing is thinking, chunking techniques, and lecture techniques in class XI students of SMA Negeri 20 Gowa in the 2024/2025 school year. This type of research includes experiments in the form of a pretest, posttest, and nonequivalent control group design. Sampling technique with purposive sampling with specific consideration in the form of almost the same initial ability of students from three treatment classes where class XI. 1 (experimental class), XI.2 (positive control class), and XI.3 (negative control class), each of which totaled 30 students. Data acquisition using non-test instruments to see students' communication skills and teaching module implementation sheet. Hypothesis testing uses the Anacova test because the data is normally distributed and homogeneous. The results of hypothesis testing showed that the significance value was &lt;0.000. This shows the sig value &lt; α (0.05), so it can be concluded that H<sub>0</sub> is rejected and H<sub>1</sub> is accepted. This means that there are differences in the communication skills of students who are taught with chunking techniques combined with writing thinking (experimental class), chunking techniques (positive control class), and lecture techniques (negative control class) on human circulatory system material.</em></p> 2025-01-30T12:09:22+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu The effect of project-based learning on improving students' science learning outcomes to privat school 2025-02-04T03:08:56+00:00 Nurtuana Harahap [email protected] Rosmidah Hasibuan [email protected] Risma Delima Harahap [email protected] <p><em>There is still a lack of creativity and innovation in teachers when selecting learning models, so students are less active in learning, and their learning outcomes are low. This study aims to analyze the project-based learning model on the science learning outcomes of students at private junior high school Bhayangkari 3 Rantauprapat in the 2024/2025 academic year. The research design used in this study is an experimental research type with the One-Group Pretest-Posttest model. Before administering treatment, a pretest is conducted to assess the group's initial stability and condition, ensuring clarity before proceeding with the intervention. After the clarity of the group's condition can be seen, then treatment is provided using a project-based learning model. The study results showed that the language of students who previously did not understand and were less active in the learning process became more active. Students can construct their understanding through groups and individuals in learning materials. After using the project-based model, the average value was 75,00, while the conventional one was 67,411. This shows a positive influence on science learning outcomes in the application of the project-based model. This also indicates that active learning strategies foster student engagement and improve academic performance.</em></p> 2025-01-30T12:13:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu Integration of output-based science with the integrated twin tower paradigm in journal review lectures 2025-02-03T10:07:50+00:00 Ita Ainun Jariyah [email protected] Abdul Manan [email protected] Khoirotul Ummah [email protected] <p><em>Integration of knowledge is an interesting phenomenon that has emerged amidst the rapid changes in Islamic religious higher education institutions in Indonesia, which have changed from a State Islamic Religious Institution to a State Islamic University (Universitas Islam Negeri/UIN). The implementation of the integration of knowledge at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya refers to the integrated twin-tower model. This study aims to describe the integration of knowledge based on outputs with the integrated twin tower paradigm in journal review lectures. This type of research is qualitative descriptive with the research location of the Science Education Study Program, FTK UINSA, in journal review lectures running in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. Data was collected using documentation, field notes, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques were carried out using data triangulation techniques, including data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.&nbsp; The study results showed that lecture planning was carried out well in the semester learning design.&nbsp; Integrating knowledge based on outputs with the integrated twin tower paradigm in journal review lectures went well according to the achievement objectives in the semester learning plan and produced outputs in draft articles. The student’s response to the lectures was positive, resulting in accurate understanding from the students regarding the topics of scientific articles and journals. The lectures had some obstacles but also produced many benefits.</em></p> 2025-02-03T10:00:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu Effect of the use of ovaprim® on the spawning of kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii) at UPR Doa Mandeh, Ogan Ilir 2025-02-03T10:09:37+00:00 Danang Yonarta [email protected] Abdul Ma’ruf Syafaa’uddin [email protected] Mirna Fitrani [email protected] Madyasta Anggana Rarassari [email protected] <p><em>The kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii) is a freshwater species increasingly cultivated in controlled aquaculture systems. However, its production is hindered by the limited availability of broodstock and fry, which still heavily depend on natural catches that fluctuate seasonally. To address this challenge, controlled environment aquaculture offers a sustainable solution to boost the kissing gourami population. One effective method is semi-natural spawning through gonadotropin hormone induction using Ovaprim<sup>®</sup>, which promotes year-round reproductive readiness in broodstock. This study aims to apply and evaluate the semi-natural spawning technique of kissing gourami using Ovaprim<sup>®</sup> at UPR Doa Mandeh, Ogan Ilir. Conducted between August and September 2024, the research compared two treatments: natural spawning (P0) and semi-natural spawning (P1). The findings demonstrated promising results, with a fecundity of 9,619 eggs, a fertilization rate of 90.4%, a hatching rate of 94%, and a survival rate of 95%. Water quality parameters remained within optimal ranges, with broodstock pond temperatures between 30–30.6°C and pH levels of 7.27–7.53, while the rearing aquarium maintained a temperature of 31°C and a pH of 7.62–7.66. These results highlight the potential of semi-natural spawning using Ovaprim<sup>®</sup> as a viable approach for enhancing kissing gourami reproduction, reducing dependency on wild populations, and supporting sustainable aquaculture practices.</em></p> 2025-02-03T09:57:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu Development of a critical thinking skills assessment instrument for students on diffusion and osmosis subject 2025-03-02T07:14:16+00:00 Zaenal Abidin [email protected] Fatimatuzzaro Fatimatuzzaro [email protected] <p><em>Critical thinking is a crucial 21st-century skill that enables students to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make logical decisions. However, assessments in Biology education often focus more on factual knowledge rather than higher-order thinking skills. This research aimed to develop an assessment instrument for measuring students' critical thinking skills in diffusion and osmosis. This study used the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research was conducted with 46 students from the XI MIPA class at MA Nurul Huda Munjul. The assessment instrument consists of multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate six components of critical thinking: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation. Validation results indicate that 20 out of 24 test items are valid, while four require revision or replacement. Reliability testing using the split-half method shows a coefficient of 0.672, which falls into the moderate reliability category and is still acceptable for educational assessment purposes. The developed instrument provides teachers with a tool to evaluate students’ critical thinking skills better and tailor their teaching strategies accordingly. This study contributes to improving Biology education by promoting a more contextual and problem-solving-based approach to assessment.</em></p> 2025-02-16T12:13:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu Comics integrated with Islamic values as a learning media to enhance student’s understanding 2025-03-02T07:21:45+00:00 Sa'adatun Nizwah Siregar sa'[email protected] Miza Nina Adlini [email protected] <p><em>Media in learning greatly enhances the effectiveness of the learning process, presents information more engagingly, facilitates material interpretation and condenses information, for example, comic media. The research aims to develop comics integrated with Islamic values on digestive system material to improve understanding of Biology learning concepts. The research method used is Research and Development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE model. The results showed that the comics integrated with Islamic values on the material of the digestive system had passed the validation process by material experts, media experts, and Islamic integration experts with a validity percentage of 90% content eligibility, 93.3% language, and 80% presentation and 93.3% cover design, 96% content suitability, and an overall appearance of 80% from media validators and 93.4% for Islamic value integration. This comic is considered very practical based on the assessment of teachers and students on small-scale and large-scale trials, with a percentage of practicality of 93.3 from teachers, 80.66% of students on small-scale trials, and 78.14% on large-scale. The implementation of comics in Biology learning also proved to be quite effective, with an N-Gain of 0.58 included in the medium category. The conclusion of the development of comics integrated with Islamic values on the material of the digestive system effectively improves students' understanding of concepts, arousing interest and supporting the understanding of complex lesson concepts.</em></p> 2025-02-17T13:35:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Mangifera Edu