Persepsi Guru Biologi Terhadap Kompetensi Pedagogik Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi di Kabupaten Sikka


Teacher competency is assumed to still be one of the factors that can determine student learning success. This problem needs to be explored further so that the cause can be known with certainty. This research aims to analyse the perception of biological teachers on pedagogic competence of prospective biological teachers in Sikka district. Pedagogic competence is one of the important components that also determine the success of the learning process in school. Prospective teachers need to equip these competencies so that they can apply them in the workforce. The perception of biological teachers on pedagogic competence of prospective biological teachers has a role in determining the progress of the learning process. In conducting this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative approach.  Data sources come from biology teachers in 6 senior high schools (1 SMA Negeri and 5 SMA Swasta) in district Sikka. In wich the subject of this research is using purposive sampling technique. The data collected through interviews, questionare and document study. The validity of the data is determined using the credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Data analysis technique used refers to the concept of data reduction, data display, and conclusions or verifications. The results showed that the perception of biological teachers on pedagogic competence of prospective biological teachers in Sikka district belongs to acceptable category, although for the dimension of learning process that can inspire students learning motivation still have problem that need to be improved.



Perception, Competence Pedagogic, Teacher's Perspective


January 31, 2020


Vol 4 No 2 (2020)

How to Cite

Bunga, Y., & Manang, M. E. (2020). Persepsi Guru Biologi Terhadap Kompetensi Pedagogik Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi di Kabupaten Sikka. Jurnal Mangifera Edu, 4(2), 143-156.


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