REMAP-RT in the Circulatory System Material to Improve Students Cognitive Learning Output


Learning outcomes are still a benchmark of learning success, with good learning outcomes signifying mastery of knowledge that can be implemented in life. Students require to be accustomed to reading before beginning learning, to be able to manage information from learning resources.. This study aims to study the Remap-RT learning model to improve student learning outcomes by looking at the results of pretest and posttest students of class VIII E Muhammadiyah 2 Kalasan. The method used in this research is CAR (Classroom Action Research). The subject in this study was a student at VIII E of SMP Muhammadiyah 2. Data obtained by using the test twice in both cycle, cycle I and cycle  II. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest the average value of class VIII E in the last cycle is higher than the first cycle. Based on these findings it can be concluded that there is an improvement in the learning process and differences in student learning outcomes using the Remap-RT learning model.



Model, Remap RT, Hasil Belajar Siswa, Student Learning Outcomes


July 31, 2020


Vol 5 No 1 (2020)

How to Cite

Nuryani, N., Saifuddin, M. F., Imana, A. H. N., Istiqomah, D., Haningsih, M. S., Ardani, V. P., Astuti, A. Y., & Ma’rifah, D. R. (2020). REMAP-RT in the Circulatory System Material to Improve Students Cognitive Learning Output. Jurnal Mangifera Edu, 5(1), 55-63.


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